adobe air updater.exe What is it? Virus or Safe Startup Process? Removal & Fix

Executable adobe air updater.exe Parent Program Amazon Browser App Developer Amazon Services LLC URL Help File Installation Folder C:\Program Files\amazon\amazonbrowserapp\resources Uninstaller MsiExec.exe /I{0A7D6F3C-F2AB-48ED-BE23-99791BFF87D6} Installation Path C:\Program Files\common files\adobe air\versions\1.0\resources\adobe air updater.exe Size 1.07 MB MD5 cd314a76683052d0ed3dccc855fd6371 Language English (United States) To ensure the safety of a file, named “adobe air updater.exe” in this context, […]

adobe air updater.exe What is it? Virus or Safe Startup Process? Removal & Fix Read More ยป